Master of Arts in Ministry
Master of Arts in Ministry
Credit Hours Required: 60
The Master of Arts Degree in Ministry at New England Bible College & Seminary offers a broad foundation, while also allowing students more concentrated studies in Ministry.
The M.A. Ministry is pastorally and practically oriented, requiring a mix of foundational academic courses along with a selection of more practical courses in the arts of ministry. A Bachelor's Degree is required, but it does not need to be in Biblical Studies/Theology. An M.A. in Ministry can be preparation for parachurch and lay ministries and provides an excellent equipping for pastors and other leaders already serving in ministry.
Course List:
Sf 500 Spiritual Formation
Hi 501 Church History Survey
Hi 611 World Religions
Th 500 Hermeneutics: Worldview, Theology & The Bible
Th 601 Christian Doctrine 1
Th 602 Christian Doctrine 2
Ph 603 Introduction to Apologetics
Ln 500 Hebrew and Greek for Bible Study
Bi 501 Introduction to Old Testament 1
Bi 503 Introduction to Old Testament 2
Bi 502 Introduction to New Testament 1
Bi 504 Introduction to New Testament 2
Ed 501 Introduction to Christian Education
Mi 510 Theology, History & Practice of Worship
Co 520 Introduction to Preaching & Public Speaking
Mi 600 Pastoral Ministry
Mi 601 Basic Biblical Counseling
Mi 760 Ministry Assessment & Management
Bi Elective
Internship or Elective
"The staff at NEBC/Grace Evangelical find empathy and understanding in their wisdom. They find joy and enthusiasm in their passion. With their knowledge comes humility and careful exegesis. I so appreciate my experience, and the profound impact the staff have had."
Jeff Colpitts