Master of Divinity
Master of Divinity
Credit Hours Required: 84
The Master of Divinity is the degree typically desired by many denominations for those seeking ordination and by larger independent churches as they seek pastoral leadership for their congregations.
The M.Div at New England Bible College & Seminary includes a broad education in both the scholarly and practical dimensions of pastoral ministry, and the capstone experience of undertaking either a ministry internship or writing a thesis.
Course List:
Sf 500 Spiritual Formation
Hi 501 Church History Survey
Hi 611 World Religions
Th 500 Hermeneutics: Worldview, Theology & The Bible
Th 601 Christian Doctrine 1
Th 602 Christian Doctrine 2
Ph 603 Introduction to Apologetics
Ln 501 Introduction to Biblical Greek 1
Ln 502 Introduction to Biblical Greek 2
Ln 511 Introduction to Biblical Hebrew 1
Ln 512 Introduction to Biblical Hebrew 2
Bi 501 Introduction to Old Testament 1
Bi 503 Introduction to Old Testament 2
Bi 502 Introduction to New Testament 1
Bi 504 Introduction to New Testament 2
Ed 501 Introduction to Christian Education
Mi 510 Theology, History & Practice of Worship
Co 520 Introduction to Preaching & Public Speaking
Mi 600 Pastoral Ministry
Mi 601 Basic Biblical Counseling 1
Mi 760 Ministry Assessment & Management
Bi Elective
Hi Elective
Mi Elective
2 General Electives
Internship or Thesis
"Growing up in a Christian family, I have heard Scripture teachings and have been a Christian most of my life. However, I have never been afforded the opportunity of being formally taught more about the Bible from such knowledgeable professors. By taking classes at New England Bible College, my understanding of the Bible has increased exponentially. Most importantly, I am being trained to be an effective defender of my faith and am better able to fulfill the Great Commission."
Joshua Sparling, M.D.