Dual Enrollment
Early College Credit
Earn early college credit while in high school!
Free Tuition*
NEBCS offers free tuition to high school students! (for our Maine-based, in-person/Zoom classes - see additional course box below)*
High School Students can earn up to 12 credits per year through NEBCS for free and then receive a discounted rate (50% off) for additional credits.
Why do dual enrollment at NEBCS?
Faster Degree Completion
Get a head start on your college education while in high school.
Our dual enrollment students have been able to transfer the credits earned at NEBCS to many national Christian colleges.
Partnerships with Lancaster Bible College and Cairn University allow our students to transfer their credits and earn an accredited degree.
Become better prepared for the demands of college-level coursework through more advanced studies.
Exploration of Interests
Dual enrollment programs often offer a broader array of courses than typical high schools, allowing students to explore a variety of subjects and interests.
This can be valuable for career exploration and making informed decisions about college majors.
"As a homeschooled highschool student, I took Ln 100: Greek and Hebrew for Bible Study, this semester, through Zoom. This virtual setting worked well for me as I was able to go about my regular day as a student without worrying about a commute, giving me time to complete the rest of my school work. I found the class to have a manageable amount of work and that I was led successfully through this class by Professor Cindy. I have come away with a solid foundation on which I can learn more about these languages. I am grateful for the depth of learning and spiritual environment that NEBC offers and I am excited to continue with Hebrew when it is next offered.
~Adney B.
Information for Homeschoolers
Each 3-credit course may be counted as 1 full year of HS credit.
Some students choose to audit courses instead of taking them for credit.
Depending on the amount of hours the student is investing in the course, you may choose to award 1/2 year credit for each audited course.
Browse All Courses:
Greek/Hebrew for Bible Study
Introduction to Biblical Greek 1
Introduction to Biblical Greek 2
Living Koine Greek 1
Living Koine Greek 2
Introduction to Biblical Hebrew 1
Introduction to Biblical Hebrew 2
Introduction to Ecclesiastical Latin 1
Introduction to Ecclesiastical Latin 2
Greek Exegesis
Hebrew Exegesis
Old Testament:
Introduction to the Old Testament 1
Introduction to the Old Testament 2
Old Testament Theology
The Pentateuch
Old Testament Prophets & Prophecy
The Psalms & Wisdom Literature
New Testament:
Introduction to the New Testament 1
Introduction to the New Testament 2
New Testament Theology
Readings in the Gospels and Acts
Readings in the Epistles
The Johannine Literature
The Epistle to the Romans
Paul’s Letters to the Corinthians
The Epistle to the Galatians
Biblical Context & Themes:
Canon and Creed
Biblical Theology
Eschatology in the Christian Canon
Biblical Settings
Holy Land Trip Preparation and Trip
Topics in Biblical Studies
Directed Study in Biblical Studies
Church History Survey
Church History in World Context
World Religions
American Church History
Early Church History
Reformation Theologies
Topics in Church History
Directed Study in Church History
Theology, Philosophy & Doctrine:
Introduction to Philosophy and Ethics
Christian Doctrine 1
Christian Doctrine 2
Introduction to Apologetics
Living Trinitarian Faith
Topics in Theology
Directed Studies in Theology
Introduction to Christian Education
Theology, History, and Practice of Worship
Introduction to Preaching and Public Speaking
Pastoral Ministry
Evangelism and Missions
Computers in Ministry
Basic Biblical Counseling
Intermediate Christian Counseling
Business Administration for Ministry
Hospital Chaplaincy
Ministry Assessment and Management
Topics in Ministry
Directed Study in Ministry
Ministry Project
Art Experience & Appreciation
- Communication
Writing to Communicate
Writing to Convince
Financial Strategies for Life
American History through the Civil War
Finding Life's Direction
IAM3 Leadership
American Literature through the Civil War
College Algebra
Christian Journey into Psychology
Creation and Life: An Introduction to Biology
Intro to Computing with C++
*These additional courses do NOT qualify for free tuition. These classes are $450/course.